Saturday, March 26, 2011

India vows to block new .XXX domain for porn on grounds of "culture"

It always makes me laugh when the second most populous nation in the world pretends she doesn't like sex.

First, the government banned a cartoon porn star.  Now they want to ban a new internet domain carved out for porn sites.  

Source: Parv Kaushik

Brushing quickly past the modern truth that fighting against the right of the people to a free internet is not only dumb but dangerous, the double "duh" moment of this news is that it's an ancient truth that those who want to access porn [cough, men], will.  Add to that the constant tussle of personal ideals of individual liberty and constitutionally restricted freedom of expression in a sexually repressed male dominated society that has no single definition of morality and...well, what you've got is a life full of culture war moments when one side just pops.

While some recognize Indian pornography laws are too broad and loosely written for the 21st century, I just have one question.  Why does the land of Kamasutra get off on denying pleasure so much?


Choto Cheeta said...

Hey, porn is illegal in India hence by that rule .XXX was always on cards to earn a ban..

PunditCommentator said...

A second read will reveal that the author is of the view that pornography should be legal under freedom of speech.

Choto Cheeta said...

By the way, the DNS updatability of the root name servers have started via ICANN update and Indian ISP (BSNL, TATA, Reliance) is resolving and opening .XXX domains. / is already up and running in test phase and Indians can resolve it..

Pundit Commentator said...

I'm sure that's very good news for all Indian men. Thanks for sharing! :-)

TheSmartBilli said...

well said.....

Pundit Commentator said...

Thank you for dropping by. I hope you will come back soon. Browse as long as you like.

Abhijit Barua Rick said...

Well I think Indians love sex & porn more than any country in the world does. And its not a crime or social taboo at all. Its a way to express yourself, sometimes in a discreet way, sometimes not. But it should not be regarded as a taboo at all. Hopefully the modern Indian society is opening up more and more to these things, keeping a well practiced balance with the conservative image of Indian society. 

Peter Doedens said...

I remember a very beautifull indian person say: The only way to fight darkness is to bring in the light. That means, you will need to bring in sexual education and sexual freedom to people at an early age. Drop all dogma's and see sexuality as a stream of light that cannot be stopped else it will go pervert and deadly... as it happens in India often. You will need a courageous government who really cares about truth and the people to find the answer to xxx domain... it is a good challenge to make the right choice!!

mumbaidomains said...

I go to see every day some blogs and websites to read web hosting related info, but India Domain
webpage gives feature based information

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