Monday, July 11, 2011

Women are their own worst enemy

You know...I try hard to stay out of these topics but they just keep pulling me back in.  Get ready for a lot of #facepalming as you read through this storify.


  1. And here in  our precious democracy women are being tried for murder after a miscarriage; they have to PROVE they weren't trying to self-abort, and rapists go free because the woman has to PROVE she was attacked...bruises, broken bones, concussions and a ripped vagina mean nothing to the rich white guys who want women in their place: on their backs or pregnant.

  2. Yeah, I remember that - it's terrible. I guess misogyny is a vice prevalent in every culture in some form. It's terrible, in every which way.

  3. Is this a question of perverts?  If India had a beach culture, where the women naturally revealed themselves in swimsuits you could put a few guard towers up on beach.  The perverts would be relegated to the bushes where cobras would exact karmic retribution for "cobra strangling" activity, and the cities would be largely free of problems.
