Wednesday, June 29, 2011

NDTV Debate: Delhi's Besharmi Morcha #Slutwalk

You've heard about this, right? Big international women's movement sparked out of a 3000 women march to protest an idiotic comment by a Toronto policeman who suggested women who don't wish to be raped should avoid dressing like sluts? Good.

I stayed away from this one for as long as I could; partly because the name "Slutwalk" put me off, partly because I felt the march was a well intentioned but ultimately meaningless exercise since the message was unlikely to percolate down to the right audience, and partly because good minds were already on the job saying what needed to be said.  But who can resist a good old fashioned NDTV debate? I was live tweeting before my brain had a chance to tell my fingers not to bother.

Before you read the storify, I absolutely *insist* you read these articles in the order listed. Don't josh me, either. There's a pop quiz in your dreams tonight.

1.Why do you call it Slutwalk? by Vidyut
2.Slut walk? No thanks! by Seema Goswami
3.A Hindu writes to Vishwa Hindu Parishad by Vidyut
4.She is a Slut - Rape Her by Agni Dutta Gupta


  1. #Slutwalk was meant to embarass the society, shake up the fake sense of morality we carry and expose the veiled sexism people have in their hearts. It has succeeded. It is a movement which talks about dignity of women. If you can call a woman for wearing something she wants, why can't she flaunt the shame "insult" and point a mirror at you to show where you stand?

    For more on why i support slutwalk, you can read my blog post on the topic

    Engaging read.

  2. Once again, pudit madam, well done :) 

  3. You're right. I do think the kids organizing the event have good intentions and I suppose even if the campaign is unable to draw out non-elite non college crowd, it is a good thing for Delhi "net-net". I definitely prefer the name Besharmi Morcha to Slutwalk. I'm adding your article to the list. If you come across other good articles, please send them across to me. I'd like this page to serve as a bibliography of sorts. Thank you!
